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Linux kernelIn years, there have been written many articles about Linux kernel compilation.I'm not going to explain what we should do it for. I'll just make a squeezed manual how to do it quickly on GNU/Linux Debian. First of all, visit "The Linux Kernel Archives" at Find an inscription of "Latest Stable Kernel" on there and define the kernel's version which is going to be downloaded. When you're done, save it offline to your local directory and unpack it then. You've got a path with a source code. Log in as root, and copy the directory into /usr/src. By default, the /usr/src directory is where your source code should be expected to be. Let's accept, /usr/src/linux-3.12.5 is your new directory where you've saved the kernel's source code to. Now, you must execute the following command, apt-get install gcc libc6-dev kernel-package libncurses5-dev fakeroot build-essential; cp /boot/config-$(uname -r) /usr/src/linux-3.12.5/.config; make menuconfig; make-kpkg clean; make-kpkg --initrd --revision=20131219223700 kernel_image kernel_headers Please, pay attention to the two bold strings above. The first one is the path for the source code; the second one is a suffix for the future kernel's name. Over there, you may write any digits. This command (see above) may be running within an hour or more. It depends on your computer's performance. Anyways, be patient until it is done. By now, you have gotten two *.deb files. Just do dpkg -i file.deb on them to install 'em one by one. Reboot the computer. Have fun! |